09 May 2011

One More Year

At One second, you stole my breath.
At One minute, you stole my heart.
At One hour, I knew I'd do it all over again.
At One day, I knew I'd do anything for you.
At One week, I was happy to be home with you.
At One month, I was happy to be your mom.

When you started formula,
I wanted you back on my breast.

When you started sitting up,
I wanted you lying on me again.

When you started crawling,
I wanted you swaddled.

When you started talking,
I wanted your coos.

When you started walking,
I wanted you little again.

So much happens
In the course of a year.
People come, people go
And our hearts are forever changed.

The life of a child
brought into my life
Has left its tiny handprints
on my heart.

And now that this year
Is almost up
My only desire
Is one more year.

One more year
To cradle you in my arms.

One more year
To have you on my hip.

One more year
To watch you sweetly sleep.

One more year
Before you no longer need me.

These tears I cry
Mixed joy and sorrow
For the hours I've cherished
And the seconds I've squandered.

You are my child,
My baby boy,
And for one more year.

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