Every Monday for the next few weeks, I'm going to dedicate a blog to an unsung hero, someone (other than my husband) who has made a significant impact on my life.
This weeks unsung hero is Michelle Mullins. I cna not tell you the depth of the love and admiration I have for this woman.
I met Michelle at Emmanuel back in 2006. I've learned just a small amount of her life story since then. She has been through loss that no woman should ever have to bear, more times than any other woman could ever handle. She has lived through tumors and various other illnesses that, instead of taking the life out of her, only put the life back into her. She is the mother of a wonderful 18 year old young lady, who is more like her mother than either will ever admit. ;)
Michelle has been my mentor and my counselor for years. She has never been one to step around issues. If it's the truth, it's going to hurt, but you need to hear it regardless. It's one of the things I love about her. I've had these truths put to me numerous times, and I've always survived and have always come out with a higher respect for the one who told it to me.
Michelle's greatest goal is to help others. It's almost what she lives for, and she's awesome at it.
I love this woman, so incredibly much. My admiration for her has no bounds, and she is constantly surprising me with her constant stream of encouragement and strength.
Michelle Mullins. This one's for you.
Love it :)