19 June 2011

Updates on Balian

It is absolutely amazing how fast children grow. I mean, did I seriously push this tiny thing out a year ago? It feels like so much longer than that. So here is an update on what my now one year old baby boy has been up to and doing.

His new favorite word is "thank you". He says it for everything. If he hands you something, he says "thank you". Playing with the dog, he says "thank you". Talking to his daddy, he says "thank you". If he drops something, he says "thank you". He can also say "clock", "daddy", "mama", has attempted to say "alligator", bye bye", and "dog/doggy". He's pretty much an expert and blowing raspberries and loves to imitate the dog growls. Scotty brought a toy into the living room to play one day and Balian decided he wanted it, so he tried to grab it out of Scotty's mouth. When Scotty wouldn't let go, Balian leaned in close and started growling at him. I think I laughed until I peed, no lie!

Balian can climb up the stairs, down one or two steps, climb onto the couch and chairs, can almost climb out of his playpen, crawls, can stand on his own, it's just getting him to do it that's the issue. One of his new favorite activities is to grab your hands and drag you to wherever he's wanting to go. It's the only way he'll walk, but he loves it. He'll take you on a tour of the house if you'd let him.

Balian can also blow kisses, make the kissy noise, squish his face, do the "this big", swipe my debit card and type my pin onto the pin pad. And if you think I'm lying about that last part, ask the lady at the Post Office.

Balian is, above all else, hyper. This kid goes non stop daily, chasing after shadows, getting into my cabinets, playing with pots and pans. One of his new favorite activities is getting Scotty's dog food and throwing it around to make Scotty chase after it and eat it. If Scotty decides he doesn't want to eat anymore, Balian will chase him down and, almost literally, shove the food down his throat. I have to watch him, though, because he's picked up the habit of actually eating the dog food.

He is now forward facing and enjoys it. He loves it when I reach back and play with his feet and he likes being able to see everything. He is very nosy... I wouldn't know where he got that from...

And that's one year old Balian in a nut shell. He loves to read, play, and flirt. He's mommy's little devil disguised as an angel and daddy's little buddy. He is just 100% himself.


  1. I would love to see Balian and Scotty interact with each other! Please try to get it on video :)

  2. He's getting to be such a big boy and smart too! The interaction with Scotty and him is too cute!
