24 June 2011

To all the Men out there.

This is for the men: Stop wearing tight pants. And please! Put a shirt on! Do you have any idea how many women you are causing to lust after your amazingly tight abs and butt? Do you know how many women masturbate thinking of you hovering over them? If you had any decency, you'd dress in a sack cloth.

Now that that's out of my system...

I recently read a blog/note/message/whatever over how women need to start dressing more modestly, need to stop wearing bikini's, need to stop posting pictures of themselves in said articles of clothing because it's causing men to lust and masturbate. To their pictures. Because it could be considered soft core porn.

First off, gross. Seriously.

Secondly, WHAT??????

I agree that women, in general (which means myself included) need to start dressing in a manner that is becoming of them, being mindful of their figures and their ample *ahem* if they have any. I get it. So does every other woman out there. So why do men feel like they need to remind us, at every turn, that a woman is dressed "immodestly"? Seriously? Do they even realize what "immodesty" is?

Guys, learn some self control already. And quit blaming the women because you can't keep your hands off your penis. And thanks for proving that you are, indeed, the weaker sex.

Yes, women should dress more appropriately. No, they should not be intentionally putting risque pictures of themselves on Facebook. But seriously? A bikini? Guys, if you're going to masturbate to a girl who's wearing a bikini in a completely innocent picture, then please stay away from any pool or beach area. Please.

I think what makes me the most upset about all of this is the fact that it is all pointed at women. Women need to dress more modestly. Women need to be mindful of their surroundings. Women need to dress like they did back in the fifties or before (no ankles showing!).

And the men? Where are the articles about how men need to stop posting pictures of themselves in boxers? Or shirtless? Or flat out naked? However, when a guy does it, it's just funny. Because, you know, women don't lust. Or get addicted to porn. Because it's all about the men.

Here's a secret I've never divulged before (I was waiting to publish my auto-biography for it). I used to be addicted to porn. Yup. Me. I watched porn. So there you have it. I stopped by the aid of a loving and cherished boyfriend (now husband). I've never fallen back into it, although I do still have major lust issues (thank GOD I'm married).

I am so sick and tired of being told that I'm leading another person into sin. Know what? By telling me that, you're leading me into sin because I'm secretly reveling in the idea of grabbing a sword and lopping your penis off.

Are guys just so oblivious to the fact that women lust, too, that it becomes all about what women should do to keep their fellow man from falling? I'm feeling very medievally all of a sudden (BAD EVE! BAD!). Even if women no longer created porn or was involved in it, there would still be something else that we would be doing to make you fall.

Fact: Men think about sex every 8 seconds, while some women can go months without it crossing their mind. Men, you're going to lust regardless. So please STOP blaming the women for it and actually take control of yourselves! Stop using us as a scapegoat!

So, now that the rant is over...

Men, please be sensitive of what you are asking of women. Women do not place pictures of themselves in bikinis for your pleasure. They do not post them to make you fall or stumble. And the DEFINITELY don't post them for you to masturbate to. It's for other women, to show off to other women that we are skinnier than they are, that we can fill it out better than they can. It's for others to see and to appreciate what they see, in a completely unlustful way. Yes, I'm well aware that it is not a pure reason, and no, it's not a good Christian example (if you are a Christian), but it's the truth. Women like to be marvelled at. Thanks to your porn problem, most of us feel like the only way we can be marvelled at is if we have a perfect figure (big breasts, big butt, waist smaller than our necks). So we compensate. It's a vicious cycle. The more you look at porn, the more we're going to try to be like the women in them because you've made it abundantly clear that's what you find attractive.

So the next time you want to blame a woman for how she dresses because it's making you stumble, go take a long hard look in a mirror. You'll be looking at the reason she dresses that way.

Also, why you're at it, check out Single Dad Laughing's blog over this same discussion. He words it in a way that is so amazing.


  1. I really can't see myself complaining about this issue but it was a great read :)

  2. you know you like it when I walk around with my shirt off.
