18 March 2012

Pinterest Challenge Day 5

I loathe self portraits. Maybe it's because I generally don't rock them the way I've seen others, or maybe it's because I'm such a harsh critic on myself, but I seriously don't like them. So I balked when Courtney mentioned that we were going to do self portraits as part of the Pinterest challenge. I  mean, blech!!

But... I did it anyway. And I learned that taking a good self portrait is more than getting the technical right. It's being who you are and portraying who you are through the camera. That's what makes a good self portrait. So here's a couple of mine (hubby only suffered through one, but Balian is always game).

Cute huh? Definitely some of my favorite photos of myself. I think it's because of who is in them. ;)

Post a link to your own self portrait. What are your inhibitions about taking self portraits?


  1. These came out so well. I can't imagine why you would have a problem with taking these things.

  2. I agree, and I'm pretty sure you could have taken one of just yourself and it would have turned out just as good.

    I would agree with your stance on self portraits and add that most people are probably self conscious when taking a picture of themselves, it must be about the way you carry yourself that makes the difference.

  3. Oh and for the record, I've never seen you look/come off as insecure in a picture.

  4. Y'all are way too sweet. lol! Anna, it is a lot about confidence and feeling secure in yourself. I think that's what gets most people!

  5. These pictures are freaking amazing!
