19 March 2011

Where I talk about books and crying it out.

I have three great passions in my life: photography, writing, and books. I am in love with books, the look, the smell, all of it. I was at Barnes and Noble today and realized that if i ever won a million dollars, it would more than likely all go there. I've been on a big classic kick as of late (I now have The Man in the Iron Mask, The Three Musketeers, Little Women, Alice in Wonderland, and Jane Eyre). I've discovered that books written a hundred or two hundred years ago are, for the most part, far superior to the ones of today. Twilight versus Pride and Prejudice. Twilight has some entertainment value, yet almost no literary value. Pride and Prejudice gives the reader an intellectual look as to the mindset of women during that time period while providing entertainment. Seriously, just talking about it makes you look smarter, while talking about Twilight makes you look creepy. Books have a tendency to suck my soul into their depths and to fill  my mind with information overload. I love learning (on my own, not in an institution), and reading helps me to fulfill that love. I will read a book about anything, any genre, from biographies to law books, fiction and non-fiction, historical dramas to science fiction fantasy. If you are ever at a loss as to what to get me, please, get me a book.

On a completely different note, I hate letting my son cry himself to sleep. It makes me feel horrible, having to listen to him scream himself to sleep. I have an incredibly bad back, and having to rock him and bounce him while he's twisting and turning and fighting off sleep in my arms hurts. Bad. Last night he fell asleep after a few minutes of being alone in his crib. Tonight he cried for maybe ten minutes. That's not a long time, but his cries are so heart wrenching I had to force myself to stay downstairs and just let him be. Balian is getting to a weird phase where he doesn't want to fall asleep until wicked late (midnight late). I can't handle that because after his bedtime is my relaxation time. If he doesn't go to bed until I do, where is my "me time"? So to save my sanity, I will continue to let my son cry himself to sleep, although i do still feel horrible for letting him.


  1. poor boy boy. I hope he gets out of this stage soon.

  2. "talking about Twilight makes you look creepy" is so darn hilarious. Also, just hang in there with Balian and he will eventually get used to sleepy by himself when you lay him down...
