25 August 2011

Show Me Your Flaws

Why do women (and men, in some circumstances) wear make-up? To cover flaws.
Why do people invest thousands and millions in plastic surgery? To cover up God's flaws.
Why do people try so hard to be perfect? So that you will not see that they are, indeed, flawed.

It is a sad society we live in. Instead of embracing the flaws within us we shun them, and why shouldn't we? Flaws are supposed to be bad, right? Out of context, yes. We are flawed humans, imperfect, because of the imperfect world we live in. We fell from Grace and perfection.

Yet, shouldn't we strive for perfection?

The answer? No. I don't believe we should strive for perfection. There has only been one perfect human in the full existance of the earth, and we hung Him on a Cross. I strive daily to be as understanding, as loving, and as forgiving as Christ is. I fail on a daily basis. I am flawed, and my flaws continually obstruct my goals of being more like Christ. I do not strive for perfection, because in order to achieve perfection, you have to be God. That raises the question, "If God is perfect, and everything He makes perfect, then shouldn't we be perfect?" The simple answer? No, because of a thing called Free Will and an event called The Fall. Our world, Earth, is perfect in its own self-sustaining way. The way the sun rises and sets is perfect. Even the way our planet is positioned in the solar system is perfect (a figurative inch to the left or to the right would have us in the middle of an asteroid galaxy, incapable of sustaining life). The vast beauty of our universe is perfect. We, however, are not (yaaaaay sin...).

I think this is slightly amazingly humorous. There is no such thing as perfection from a human standpoint. We only have a flawed sense of perfection (our senses will never be able to grasp the pure perfection of God). So in trying to rid of ourselves of our flaws in order to achieve perfection, we are, in fact, making ourselves more flawed. Irony much?

So why do we still battle for this flawed perception of perfection? Because we caree more for what others think of us than we do how we perceive ourselves. If human perfection is a size 00 with a D cup, blonde hair, with legs longer than their torso, then that is what a human must achieve, yet, that's not a comforable achievement. I like my dark hair. I also like my size 10 waist, although not so much my DDD cups. And I like my legs being proporionate to the rest of my body. In order to achieve the idea of human perfection, I have to give up everything about myself that I've grown comfortable with. I have to give up what makes me who I am. I enjoy being flawed because it sets me apart from the rest of the world. What makes me flawed makes me human. What makes me flawed makes me, me.

Summarily, why would you change who you are for a flawed sense of perfection in a world full of changing views? Why destroy what makes you an individual?

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