28 February 2012

Random Thoughts Tuesday

There are so many thoughts swirling through my head at the moment, most of which if posted would stir up huge controversies. So I guess the post today will center around this: Why can't we all just love each other?

I am a flawed person. Not one inch of me is perfect. I daily strive to learn and to grow as a person, as a mom, a friend, a wife, a photographer, a writer. I expect people to love and accept me for who I am, even the flaws. I try my very hardest to do the same with them. It always irritates me when the acceptance is not there, however. The moment someone finds out about some of my more personal issues, those I generally tend to share with friends, I am dropped. Are you not flawed also? Do you not have pitfalls? Stumbling blocks? Imperfections? Then why do you expect everyone else to be perfect?

A good conundrum for the day. 

1 comment:

  1. The people that cut and run at the first sign of human imperfection are not true friends, but harpies that should be tossed in a lake.

    Real people are flawed, and some of us know better than to run away from flaws. Some flaws are runaway-warranted (drugs, criminal behavior, etc.), but you don't have any of those.

    Is it a group of people that are dropping you, or just one individual, a fair-weather friend? Fair-weather friends are no good, because they're not there when it really counts.

    I like finding sunshine friends who are still being bright and sunshiny even in my darkness. Those work out much better, in my experience.
