One of my friends (Cassandra) posted a question as her status the other day. She was asking the general public what they see when they look in the mirror. The answer could be literal or figurative.
When I look in the mirror, I see a 24 year old woman, who could pass for a 20 year old, struggling to get her weight under control (that's the literal). She's very self conscious and has a pretty low self esteem. She has troubles fitting in with this world. Sometimes she's okay with that, but other times, like today, she resents it. She strives to be like everyone else, to be normal; but then, if she were normal, then who would she be? I see a woman who has based her identity off of what others have told her about herself. She's either this or that, one day she's this and the next she's that. Today, she is beautiful , energetic, friendly, and accomplished. Tomorrow, she will be lazy, and hate herself for it. I have a love/hate relationship with this woman, which is perhaps why I avoid mirrors when possible. That's another reason I'm a photographer. If I'm behind the camera, then no one has a chance to capture me on film, and I don't have to deal with the harsh realities of life.
Today, at least, I'm happy with the woman in the mirror. Tomorrow will be different, but save for tomorrow what is tomorrows, and enjoy what today gives you.
I dunno. I always love seeing you :)