06 March 2012

Tuesday's Random Thought

I am not a perfect mom. I never have been and I never will be. Let me explain...

I do not spend every second of every minute of every hour of every day watching my child. I know, shocking right? I mean, isn't that what stay at home mom's do?? Sit in the floor and provide their kids with an ever moving plaything?

We do not fork over the extra money for organics. Love some of it, hate the rest.

Balian is not enrolled in extra classes to help him develop. He's ahead of most kids his age regardless.

I breastfed him for less than a month. He's been a formula baby since then.

So no, I'm not the typical stay at home mom. For the greater part of the day, I work on editing photos and building my businesses, provided I'm not working at the studio. If he's not helping, he's in his room playing with his toys. He brings me books and toys to play with him, and those are my breaks. But not every second of my life is devoted to him. For you moms whose lives revolve around your kid, kudos to you. I can't do it. It would drive me insane.

If I could enroll my son in any class, it would be a music class. He ADORES music, especially classical. He also love photography, but I can teach him that once he is old enough. He's smarter than most kids I've seen his age and can figure out problems pretty quickly that most two year olds would give up on.

So no, I'm not a perfect mom. But I am a damn good one. I am a lenient parent. He isn't told "no" often, but when he does, he listens and understands.

Balian is healthy, intelligent, loving, carefree, social, energetic, and loved. I don't have to be a perfect mother. I just have to be his mom. And that's really all that matters.

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