29 March 2012

I Clicked It Up a Notch - March Contest

It's that time again! Click it up a Notch's monthly photo contest! This is my favorite shot from the month. It's not a shot of my son (for once), but the first signs of Spring. Living in Washington state, where the rain never ends, shots like these are vitally important. It's probably one of the few signs of Spring we've had here!

 So here's my favorite shot from the month of March:

Make sure you check out the other entries in the contest! You won't be disappointed!

Click It Up A Notch


  1. I really like the septia type coloring in the photo. Lovely photo!!

  2. Very pretty- love that shade of pink

  3. Wow! Love the DOF on this one! Love the focus on just the one bloom! The processing looks really cool as well!! Great job!
