On Thursday, July 14th 2011, my cousin, Carolyn Wilkerson Anderson, tragically lost her life in a car accident. She was a mother of five kids, a daughter, a wife, and a good friend. Whenever I saw Carolyn, around town or at the house, she always had a big smile on her face. Nothing could ever seem to get her down, and in the years I had known her, I can count on one hand the number of times I had seen her cry.
Carolyn was a strong woman. She faced many trials, and was overcoming them. Had she been given more time, she would have triumphed. She was independent and strong-willed, and stubborn as a mule. She had an indomitable spirit, unshaken by tragedy. She was a fighter, who never gave up her battles.
When I remember Carolyn, when we all remember Carolyn, we will remember her smile and her laugh. I will remember her teasing her kids, her chasing Richard around the house so we could all see his Pokemon underwear, and her laughing at us putting make up on. I will remember that she was there should we ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to vent to.
I will see her again, one day. Until then, I'm going to live in a way to make her proud and I'm going to carry the memory of her here on Earth in my heart, forevermore.
We love you, Carolyn.